Cracked Waves Plugins For Mac
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Waves Plug-ins For Mac
It technically is not stealing if these people weren’t customers or users of the software in the first place. Once they become full-time users and make any gains with these products, they SHOULD have paid the creators by that point. Because if they pass that point, THEN they technically ARE thieves. Also, you can not compare it to something like stealing physical objects, such as a car. – Once you take a car, you’re already displacing yourself with the transport, and besides that you’re creating wear on the physical object, which costs money.

Just as I pay money for the movies and Cd’s I like when I want a physical product. Until then though I will continue to pirate software and plugins. If you don’t like me then take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself what is it that you really didn’t like? My Honesty as a thief? Graham, you can preach all you want, and claim that it is wrong to steal plugins. Eventually I will win the lottery and I will buy every crackable plug in out there from Waves to Abbey Road. However, whether we buy it or not, is not going to put an end to the pirated versions out there.
Software companies need to set up agreements with Internet service providers, and have them kick back 5 cents off every customer to a trust which will spread out the fund amongst all companies, the same way cassette manufactures did to recording industry based on fair use, copy write and the peddling of the ability to copy with their device. ISP, and hardware manufactures for that matter need to be kicking back monies to developer and software companies.
IMHO, DAW manufacturers are the only one’s who should be able to charge anything near that. So while you say, “HARSHER PENALTIES!” I retort, “MAKE PLUGINS MORE AFFORDABLE!” People who have the means, or connections, forget just how expensive it is to make music. Literally, you could win/earn $100M and spend it all in one day hell, one hour.
My choice of words provoked some of you. I apologise sincerely but we stay in the topic yet, ok? The software game industry is a multi-billion business today because the first generations of players could copy games to each other at least when they were young and they have become their best clients now. The small markets of today’s developing economies become tomorrow’s source of income to a software developer who knows that any potential customer is too valuable to be thrown away in the business that is, again, very saturated and stricken by a shaken economy. The only thing I can agree with Graham on to a degree is that most stock plugins might be good enough for many of us. However, he harms the interests of his developer friends arguably more than any software cracker does by claiming that all of them are unnecessary while he, at the same time, fails to explain why developers continue using anti-piracy methods that have proven inefficient. It would be naive to believe that they would not do this without a purpose.
Industry has become a monstruous machine sustaining obsolete consumerism for the so called “wanna be, wanna have” and this. With total disregard for the “cannot be, cannot have”.
But I must admit, I was very disappointed to see the arrogant and sort of “high moral ground” way you went about this. I grew up poor and I know how it feels to be broke and buy ACID Pro, in the 90’s and Cakewalk, but I’ve always made it my mission to not let success influence my honest point of view about something. I wonder, would you see this the same way if you didn’t have friends in the industry?
And does it really matter? The ones who are successful after they do pirate for a few years will then get budgets to be put into studios that pay for all the licensing and given free software by the companies anyway to make music.
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That’s unfair to say, because it’s assuming they already had the right to it, even though there was no customer. It’s like demanding that they’re paid before any good reason. That’s why it only makes sense for a company/developer/creator to be paid when someone makes ACTUAL use and profit from their product.
It’s not worth downloading illegally, and I advise against it for these reasons on top of the important social and ethical reasons. On a side note though some software companies don’t necessarily mind torrents and cracks of their software to stay constantly available in the scheme of things. Crackers/hackers are not playing “Robin Hood” stealing from the rich and providing it to the poor in return.