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PostScript was developed by Adobe, but is used by a number of other printer manufacturers, though typically in laser printers. The PostScript printer data stream will not work with Host Print Transform (HPT) or a PC5250 Printer Definition Table (PDT) File. PostScript 2 PostScript 2 emulation PostScript 3 PostScript 3 emulation The terms PostScript 2, PostScript 2 emulation, PostScript 3, and PostScript 3 emulation typically refer to an emulated version of the PostScript printer language, but they might also be used when a printer uses true Adobe PostScript support. The PostScript printer data stream will not work with Host Print Transform (HPT) or a PC5250 Printer Definition Table (PDT) File. PDF PDF v1.2 PDF v1.3 PDF v1.4 PDF v1.5 PDF v1.6 PDF v1.7 PDF v1.x emulation The terms PDF, PDF v1.2, PDF v1.3, PDF v1.4, PDF v1.5, PDF v1.6 and PDF v1.7, or PDF v1.x emulation, refer to the ability to directly print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) documents without using a Windows printer driver or converting the PDF document to an HP PCL printer data using Host Print Transform (HPT). PDF v1.2, v1.3, v1.4, and v1.5 refer to the PDF version supported by the printer firmware.
This document contains information on the capabilities that are supported on printer hardware from InfoPrint Solutions Company and IBM Printing Systems. It also indicates whether each printer model is likely to work when printing from the IBM Power Systems using LPR, PJL, SNMP, IPP, or a PC5250 printer session.
By definition, a *LAN 3812 IPP printer device description is a printer device description that has the Device class (DEVCLS) parameter set to *LAN, the Device type (TYPE) parameter set to 3812, the Device model (MODEL) parameter set to 1, the LAN attachment (LANATTACH) parameter set to *IP, and the System driver program (SYSDRVPGM) parameter set to *IBMIPPDRV. For more information, please refer to the section on IPP below. LPR A Remote Output Queue (RMTOUTQ), the Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF or LPR) command, or A *LAN 3812 printer device description that uses the LPR Print Driver (TSPLPRD) utility. Dell 1350 driver for mac. By definition, a Remote Output Queue (RMTOUTQ) is an output queue that has the Remote system (RMTSYS) parameter set to *INTNETADR, a host name or an IP address, and (for these purposes) the Connection type (CNNTYPE) parameter set to *IP.
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