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Gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'data/week6/modis/reflectance/17_july_2016/MOD09GA.A2016199.h09v05.0065406.hdf'. Error in split1[[1]]: subscript out of bounds In addition: Warning message: running command '/usr/local/Cellar/gdal/1.11.5_3/bin/gdalinfo' 'data/week6/modis/reflectance/17_july_2016/MOD09GA.A2016199.h09v05.0065406.hdf' had status 1 ``` similarly using another package - rgdal I run the function, gdalinfo() Warning message: running command '/usr/local/Cellar/gdal/1.11.5_3/bin/gdalinfo' 'data/week6/modis/reflectance/17_july_2016/MOD09GA.A2016199.h09v05.0065406.hdf' had status 1 I realize these are two different packages and associated functions.
One of the best user friendly options out there for Mac users who want to run GIS software natively is QGIS. QGIS is an open source GIS software package that can be freely downloaded. Anita Graser provides an overview to the QGIS ecosystem which includes a desktop GIS component, cloud hosting, and mobile application.
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You can copy the folder location by opening it in Windows Explorer and copying the text in the location bar if you don't want to type it all. • To set the location of the resulting library and header files, you can optionally edit 'nmake.opt' in the gdal folder, and set 'GDAL_HOME' to an appropriate location, eg 'C: gdal200 gdal-2.0.0 bld', or leave it as default at 'C: warmerda bld' • Type 'nmake /f' and press Enter. Wait around 5 to 10 mins for it to finish building.
Senior Makeup Artist / Manager for MAB Quick Facts: Shirley brings both 13 years of management and makeup artistry to the MAB team. In her downtime, you can find Shirley exploring new places, especially near the water with her husband and two children, Octavian and Olivia. Makeup artist choice. Makeup by Ana B is the recipient of WeddingWire’s Couples Choice and Bride’s Choice Award for seven consecutive years (2012-2018), providing makeup and hair artistry services for Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland, and specializing in natural and dramatic beauty looks.

• Gmap4 works offline however (1) it can only be started if your browser is online and (2) while you are online you have to view the maps you want to use offline so they are saved in the browser's cache.
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Any thoughts? Also, I'd be really interested to know if any one can successfully run the plugin and/or duplicate this error in the Mac environment.
I'm now trying to build gdal against the libKML library but keep failing. I'm attempting to build against the latest SVN version as recommended here: When running configure my system finds the Google KML headers but can't find the libkml library, even when I specify the path where where I built the library. For example on my system libKML was installed at /source/libkml/build Has anyone had an experience building GDAL with this library on a linux system. I can't seem to find any specific instructions for Ubuntu though some Fedora instructions have got me this far.
In the following example, the geodatabase administrator is sde. The values returned from these stored procedures are used in the INSERT statement to update the sitings table. Get the next ObjectID value. DECLARE @ oid int EXEC sde.
• Here you click on the '+' in the Libs section to open the full list. Scroll down to find the python-xlrd and python-xlwt packages, and select them to be installed (click on the double cirular arrow symbol). • After it finishes, open QGIS, and try the XYTools plugin. Should be OK. The routine in XYtools is set up for making a point layer from an Excel file that has X & Y coordinates, like locations of disease cases with various attributes.